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‘UNDERSTANDING ADVANCED ENGLISH GRAMMAR’ is the first book of a series of three books. This book begins with the introduction of the three dimensions of the English language. It is an innovative method of teaching Active Voice, Passive Voice and Causative uses looking at an action in three different angles.
ENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS THROUGH PICTURES is a book with a new vision. Phrasal verbs are very useful for expressing one's feelings with emotions. The English language is rich with many phrasal verbs that are constantly used in everyday communication.
![Amarasiri Ganewatta Amarasiri Ganewatta](https://www.englishlanglab.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/amarasirismall1.jpg)
![Amarasiri Ganewatta Amarasiri Ganewatta](https://www.englishlanglab.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/amarasirismall1.jpg)
Amarasiri Ganewatta is the director of the English Language Laboratory. He is a retired English teacher and a language translator living in California, USA.
Email: ganewatta@gmail.com